Congratulations to 2023-24 Helen Barrie Round Awardees

The AAG SECG Helen Barrie National Prize recognises the outstanding contributions of AAG student and early career members (SECG) to ageing research and practice.

We are delighted to announce the recipients for the 2023-24 round Helen Barrie National Prize:

  • Awardee: Dr Diana Matovic (NSW), for her paper on OIder adults' attitudes and motivations towards learning about personal dementia risk and their willingness to make changes to improve their health in primary care settings.

  • Runner-up: Dr Asmita Manchha (Qld), for her paper on Reconceptualizing Stigmas in Aged Care: A Typology of Stigmatizing Discourses in the Aged-Care Context.

Congratulations to you both on this much-deserved recognition.

Diana and Asmita are both active members of the SECG. In 2023, Diana received an RM Gibson grant through the AAG Research Trust, for her project on From isolation to inclusion: Increasing access to social participation for older Australians with mild cognitive impairment/early dementia and their supporters.

Asmita is Secretary for AAG's Queensland Division Committee and, in a few weeks' time, will be part of AAG's pilot of an adapted ARIIA Innovator Training Program.