$25k in AAG Research Trust Grants now open for 2024

We are pleased to announce that grants made available through three programs under the AAG Research Trust are now open. In this round, the AAG Research Trust is offering:

1. Hal Kendig Research Development Program (HKRDP):

  • Open to early career researchers (not practitioners) with up to or equal to 5 years full time equivalent experience.
  • Up to 2 grants of $25,000 each in 2024.
  • Aim: Support research benefiting vulnerable older people, focusing on psycho-social aspects of ageing, and help build grant track records.

2. Strategic Innovation Program (SIP):

  • Open to any AAG member, preference for early to mid-career individuals up to or equal to 8 years full time equivalent experience) the award of their highest qualification or commencement in their most senior role.
  • Up to 2 grants of $25,000 each in 2024, possibly a third through partnership with the Dementia Australia Research Foundation (DARF).
  • Aim: Enhance ageing experience through innovative policy and practice, for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander-led proposals.

3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grant:

  • For Indigenous Australian researchers or practitioners.
  • One grant up to $25,000 in 2024.
  • Aim: Build skills, capacity, and evidence-based knowledge on ageing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to inform policy and programs.

Please see the Research Trust pages for more information and guidelines, along with how previous Research Trust grants have supported knowledge creation and innovative thinking. Applications close on Monday 24 June 2024.

Related: RM Gibson Program Grants (3x $10,000) close on Monday 27 of May 2024