Strategic Innovation Program


The AAG Research Trust’s Strategic Innovation Program (SIP) facilitates dynamic and responsive research that aims to improve the experience of ageing through innovation in policy and practice (that is, through research translation). Priorities areas under this program are:

  • Proposals that develop research that improves the experience of ageing through innovation in policy and practice

This grant program is made possible by the generous bequest from the estate of William Peter Steele Nicolson.


Current grant round

The  SIP supports projects aimed at improving the experience of ageing through innovation in research, policy and practice. 

In 2024, this program of the Research Trust is offering:

  • Up to two grants of up to $25,000 each, for projects of up to 18 months’ duration; and
  • A possible additional grant of up to $25,000 (inc GST) for applications with a substantive dementia focus, through our partnership with the Dementia Australia Research Foundation (DARF).

Please read the guidelines (version 17/05/2024) for the 2024 SIP grants and the new FAQs on our grant programs and processes.

Applications close at 10 am AEST on Monday 24 June 2024. Applications must be submitted via the Google form on the grant program page, with the completed application form and any attachments consolidated into a single pdf.


Apply now - Please note: like all Google forms, you will need a Gmail account to proceed.


All applications must be:

  • Made using the Word format form;
  • Combined into a single pdf file containing the completed application form, supporting documents and/or letters of support;
  • Easily legible (high quality), when scanned;
  • Saved as: 2024SIP_First name_Last name; and
  • Submitted through the 'Apply now' button, which takes you to a Google form. Please note: like all Google forms, you will need a Gmail account to proceed.

Previous awardees

We encourage you to read about the work we have funded across our grant programs. Summaries of projects funded through the Strategic Innovation Program are available via the links below, while the awardee showcase presents a sample of stories from completed projects.

2023 Strategic Innovation Program awardees

2022 Strategic Innovation Program awardees

 2021 Strategic Innovation Program awardees

2020 No award, due to operational changes

2019 Strategic Research Grants awardees

 2018 Strategic Research Grants awardees